Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Damaged 1

I fucking hate gig posters.

But in all seriousness... they're rewarding when they're done cause they feel like a cool one off. But fuck me... this one in particular was exhausting to do cause of my insistence of using logos from all four bands playing, which is kinda stupid as two of which didn't really have logos and I had to work around that, and on top of that all I had to work off were small resolution images off myspace. That's not their fault though, rather mine for just needing to do it then and there rather than e-mailing them for a hardcopy. That's a shame.

Well, it wasn't what I initially planned, but what I initially planned was dull. This turned out rather well I think. The Globe insist on all posters being formatted for A3 Paper, which is understandable, but the artist (pretentious artist to you folk) within me felt a need to mix it up. Unfortunately anyone else who prints this will have bare space on the side of their A3 poster, that is unless they choose to cut off the sides, which is what I'll do.

Influences, Interests & Reasons:

Music: Black Flag - Slip It In (personal favourite), Damaged, My War & Live '84, Isis - 07.23.06.

TV: Arrested Development, the Henry Rollins Show.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Transitions From Persona To Object

Okay, so it's been a while since I've updated this blog. My creative energy for the longest time was burnt out, being a result of my being overly-anxious and pretty much hating everything.

Well it seems that all I needed to was jump back off the wagon and get back to my dirty and fucked up ways. Perversions and social conflicts are wonderful things.

And thus inspiration has been flowing out of me and I've possibly the most proactive I've ever been. The amount I've done within the last month has surprised me, and it doesn't even seem like much yet it seems like a lot, and I'm only working my way further and further down the rabbit hole.

So to begin, updates...

Infernale, as one of the above pictures so clearly shows, is fucking SHE. Infernale was given a gig on the somethingth of January and in the process of rehearsing for the show it became ever so apparent how much we despised a good majority of the songs we had, and wanted to go a different direction. I had already been writing stuff in a different way, and that was somewhat evident on some of the later Infernale songs, so there are three songs we are keeping, but another reason for the name change was also cause NO ONE CAN FUCKING GET THE NAME RIGHT!!! Most especially us...

We of course got the name from the Arcturus album 'La Masquerade Infernale', and Andre was the one who suggested it, pronouncing it as if it were spelt Infer-nowl... except less w-esque but yeah, that kind of pronunciation. It turns out he was an idiot, and the proper way to say it was by pronouncing the 'e' at the end. Well... we suck.

So name change. Why SHE? I'm amazed how many times I've been asked. But I'm also careless. Why the fuck not? I could give you the long answer, which there is one, but I can't be bothered. In fact, what led me to write this blog was because I was sick of writing something else, and needed a break, so that's why not much effort has been put into it.

Anyways... above are the two new layouts for both SHE and the now ill-fated Infernale, plus an excerpt of the background for she that I quite like on its own. Don't know why.

That's not all that's been done...

It's been less than a month since Infernale's transformation to SHE, and already two new demos of two new tracks have been recorded! Hoorah! I've written four sets of lyrics, something I haven't done in quite some time, and all are more fucked up and perverted than ever. YAY!

So you can find those songs on the MySpace. Also, we instantly score ourselves a Saturday gig at the Step-Inn, Infernale's safe home, but Infernale never got Saturday gigs. I don't know what it is about SHE, but it's fucking working.

On top of that I've taken to writing. I needed another form of expression since my anxiety attack and break-up and school drop-out, so I started to dabble into pen to paper. Except... more finger to keyboard... but whatever. I can't hold a pencil properly, alright! It hurts my hand. :(

So who knows, maybe I'll start doing writing professionally. I'll see how it goes. I'm getting a friend to review some of my work before I expose my horrendous secrets to the world.

In saying that, I do have the new blog, which is a continuation of the more expressive side of Louis Gaudet. But you know what? Fuck that. Seriously, I don't like any of you guys.

Am to start uni soon, and will travel to Melbourne in just over a month for some pretension. Wish me luck guys. SHE are going to record properly soon, so here's to the kick-ass!

Influences, Interests & Reasons:

Film: The Fantastic Mr. Fox - Wes Anderson.

Music: Rise and Fall (live... hellz yeah), Trap Them - Seizures in Barren Praise, Botch - Everything of theirs is gold to me, Kanye West - Everything of his is gold to me, Dead Prez - Let's Get Free, Mos Def & Talib Kweli - Black Star.

Readings: Tropic of Capricorn - Henry Miller.

TV: Daria.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Under the Surface

New Infernale logo. Main inspirations: Public Enemy's "Target" Logo, Botch's "Cowboy" Logo, and Converge's "Skate" Logo (which is pretty much a distorted rip off of the logo of the skate brand "Element").

Working on more things to come...

Influences, Interests & Reasons:

Film: District 9 - Neill Blomkamp, Inglourious Basterds - Quentin Tarrantino (bit too much Tarrantino for what could have been a far more impressive and epic film).

Music: Dio era Black Sabbath (fucking great), Planets of Old - Cave In, Times of Grace - Neurosis, Sound of White Noise - Anthrax.

Readings: Before the Fallout - Diana Preston.

TV: Flight of the Conchords, Madmen.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Above is a poster for a show the Crown is to perform. I'm quite happy with this particular design, so much so that I didn't want to give it away. But alas... I should be rather happy with all my designs, and I can't keep them all to myself...

Poster for Infernale's gig at the Globe. What an evening that was...

I'm really quite pleased with this. Though a tad absurd... sure... and maybe, just maybe, the little drawn balls with things coming out of them shouldn't be there... I wanted to play with drawings on real photos. I think it came together quite nicely, way more simple than I originally intended, but that's fine. The lines look great, the blue and yellow is a nice colour scheme, and the balls work being that there's few I find.

What's interesting about the Infernale poster is that it works on a completely different level for a concert poster. I find it's rather cinematic. I reminds me of a movie poster or something.

That's all I got to report right now. Will keep working at it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The End of Our Rope is a Noise

What up?

Above is a bunch of new promotional things made for Infernale. Firstly, a new banner which quite possibly kicks too much ass.

Secondly, a new sleeve for a compilation of demo's we're putting together entitled 'The Very Best Is Infernale'. Possibly kicks too much ass.

Thirdly, the inner sleeve for the 'Very Best Is Infernale'. This doesn't kick that much ass really... but being that it doesn't kick too much ass, it could possibly kick too much ass for that level of non-kick ass. We'll see.

Fourthly, the aforementioned poster involving the tree I drew. As you can see, I photoshopped that tree into oblivion, which lead it to possibly kicking too much ass.

Lastly, the new Infernale myspace. This does kick ass, maybe not a hell of a lot of it, but possibly still too much.

Soon to be coming is some artworkf or the new Crown EP as well as their myspace page, which is all being finished up now.

Kick ass.

Influences, Interests & Reasons:

Film: Jackie Brown - Quentin Tarantino, the Terminator/Terminator 2: Judgement Day - James Cameron, Terminator Salvation - McG (mediocrity at it's sheer best... and I quite literally mean that)

Music: Cave In - Until Your Heart Stops/Creative Eclipses/Jupiter/Tides of Tomorrow/Antenna. Do you like... Cave In? Converge - When Forever Comes Crashing, Morbid Angel - Alters of Madness.

Curb Your Enthusiasm, Duckman

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ghost Key

Above is the initial stages of a design I'm doing for an Infernale poster for an upcoming gig. For anyone who reads this (and as of yet, I'm highly unconvinced anyone does), the gig is on Thursday the 25th of June, so if you can make it please do. Shameless plugs rule.

Basically that design will be further fleshed out with a bit of colour, plus some roots for the tree at the bottom with will sort of box the text (gig details and what not).

I really like the design, and I'm thinking about using it for a shirt maybe too. Will see how that goes.

Below is just a random image I put together for a portfolio. It's okay. I don't love it personally, and I consider it a working draft. I like the hand drawn part, and the idea of two things happening on opposite side, but the whole sun v.s. moon thing I find kind of cheesy. Appropriately entitled 'nightenday' (lower case intended. Thanks Andre for the tip).

Will post back soon with the final product of the poster.

Influences, Interests & Reasons:

The Goon 'Heaps of Ruination' - Eric Powell

Film: 8mm - Joel Schumacher, Refused Are Fucking Dead - Kristofer Steen, Star Trek - J.J. Abrams

Music: Isis - Wavering Radiant, Napalm Death - the Code is Red... Long Live the Code, P.O.S. - Audition, Saul Williams - the Inevitable Rise and Fall of Niggy Tardust

Californication, Dexter, Duckman

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Let It Rattle (beginning part 2)

So above are other pieces done for Infernale. The first one was actually just a trial image I did for the Malcolm Doggett EP, before I had actually done the packaging art. It was the first time I did the whole communist propaganda look... I like to think I did a pretty good job. It's actually far more detailed than the sleeve I did, but I found the sleeve took me longer just due to wanting to have more free space, so it involved a lot of precision in regards to positioning.

The second image is one of two designs for a Malcolm Doggett EP T-Shirt that will be printed. The other design I haven't bothered to put up, as it is literally just the inner sleeve image printed in black on a white shirt, so yeah...

And the third is another T-Shirt design that I came up with for the third track on the EP, entitled 'Judoon! Attack!'. Make what you will of the title and lyrics. Really simple design, and quite possibly will be redone for the sake of sizing and quality, but I like it. It will just be a large print taking up the majority of the front of a T-Shirt. Traditional Infernale logo is most likely to be printed over the back shoulders of the shirt with the song title written underneath, and possibly the traditional logo again on the sleeve. This will be one of five shirts, each being dedicated to a particular track off the EP. There will be no recurring theme of communism on these shirts (spite the title of track 2).

This is the first design of a planned four 3-track releases by my new project She. As of yet this is nothing more than a project in my mind, of which I've had plenty of before, but I'm determined to get this off the ground as it will be a chance to explore multiple avenues of music without restriction.

Originally I was going to do only one EP (which I have written), but I wanted to get together a portfolio of designs I had done, and thus needed to make some designs. I had a few concepts for some CD Sleeves, but had no bands to give them to. Originally I thought I could just create some fake bands, but I liked the concept of these sleeves too much to let them go to waste (especially the punk/hardcore EP, entitled 'A Brett Ratner Film'. You'll see...), so I decided it could be a cool way of introducing She, especially considering the different styles that will be performed on each release. Out of the four EP's, this one will be the more Electronic/Drum&Bass/Trip-Hop release out of them all. Don't ask where these songs titles came from. I was younger when I came up with them, and they were just sitting there... I needed text to complete the design.

Now, these you won't see these anywhere outside of the Sham Mirrors Myspace, as this is a defunct project now. This was the band that ultimately killed Infernale a year ago, as it was just us four members doing an entirely new project more in the vain of alternative/pop-punk/rock. This project was ultimately Rob Cooper's (Ex-Infernale Guitarist) form of expression, and I was brought in as vocalist simply cause they needed someone.

The project eventually died due to my not feeling comfortable with the style and my ability to perform it vocally. We did do one show that was really quite fun, and managed to write 5 or so songs, 2 of which (Capo Song and Song For P... I refuse to write P's full name, and I think Rob would understand and appreciate that) I loved, but spite my vocal performance getting better with each take we would do whilst recording, I just felt like it wasn't where I belonged. When I bailed, it just sort of sizzled...

That's not to say I held the band together, cause the band literally was going on a while before I joined or even knew about it, and all the songs (bar Song for P) were already written and were just waiting on vocals, but there were all these new plans that came into play after that which eventuated with the project just dying. In saying that, I would definitely like to hear Rob continue this project in the future, cause a few of the songs we wrote for this were really great and it would be a shame to see it go to waste.

Anyways... the designs I did for the Sham Mirrors (anyone see the other connection between Infernale and this band?) were really quite dull, and if I were to do it again I would definitely try and incorporate some more graphics and drawings into it. Make it a bit more detailed and layered. Still, it worked for what it was and that's that.

Finally, I leave you with my favorite piece yet, as it's the most deep and meaningful...

Influences, Interests & Reasons:

Let the Right One In - John Ajvide Lindqvist

Film: Alien - Ridley Scott, Let the Right One In - Tomas Alfredson, Pi - Darren Aronofsky, the Prestige - Christopher Nolan, Primer - Shane Curruth

Music: Black Flag - Damaged, Cave In - Perfect Pitch Black, Dillinger Escape Plan - Calculating Infinity/Ire Works, King Crimson - Islands, Old Man Gloom - Chrismas, P.O.S. - Never Better, Sage Francis - Human the Death Dance, Zozobra - Harmonic Tremors

Curb Your Enthusiasm, Duckman, Twilight Zone (the Shelter, Time Enough At Last)